10.13.24 Message – Imagine Together: Enough at Every Table

Imagine Together: Enough at Every Table (Isaiah 55)

How do we decide what has value and what doesn’t? How do we find our way through difficult times with our hope intact?

From ancient times to today folks have worked their way through hard times and learned what is most meaningful in their lives. Sometimes, those thoughts are deeply connected, and other times, not so much. Questions about meaning and value can make us feel uncertain, and lead to questions about our faith. There’s nothing wrong with those questions, because eventually they will help strengthen our faith.

Isaiah’s encouraging words in chapter 55 remind us that God’s presence is strong in our lives, whatever our circumstances. The poetry of this chapter invites us to remember that streams can flow in deserts, swords can be made over into plowshares, and ordinary people can envision and build something better, together.