11.3.24 Message: Imagine Together – Vitality
Imagine Together: Vitality (John 3:1-10)
Vitality expresses a quality of life that is full, animated, and enduring, with the capacity for continual growth and development. The capacity for growth and renewal is essential to healthy and thriving relationships, vocations, and churches. Over time, and as we age — ourselves and the institutions we may serve — a kind of spiritual calcification can set in.
We can get stuck and stagnant, not only resisting that which is new, but perhaps even fearing it. We likely know we are not living as vitally as we might, but even if we deeply crave a renewed life, the prospect of change — even change for the better — can seem a risky enterprise.
In what ways do you see our church engaging in the work of Vitality? In what ways could we do better?