Join Us on Sunday!
Sunday, December 11th • 10:00 a.m.
Join us for worship at 10:00 am, either in-person or streaming live on Facebook, as we continue our sermon series, From Generation to Generation, as we journey through Advent. On Sunday, the third Sunday of Advent, we will examine From Generation to Generation: We Choose a Better Way.
Joseph had choices to make when he learned that Mary was pregnant. He could have exposed her to shame and harassment from her community. Instead, he chose a different path, a path that was compassionate and faithful. He choose to do the right thing for Mary, Jesus, and himself because of his faith. He choose peace over violence, grace over condemnation. He choose his “yes” to God, just as Mary did before him, and it made all the difference in his life.
When have you had to make a difficult choice in your life? When have you had to choose a better way, knowing that way could be harder and messier? What difference has it made in your life and in your faith?