See You on Sunday!
Sunday, December 4th • 10:00 a.m.
Join us for worship at 10:00 am, either in-person or streaming live on Facebook, as we continue our sermon series, From Generation to Generation, as we journey through Advent. On Sunday, the second Sunday of Advent, we will examine From Generation to Generation: God Meets Us in Our Fears.
When the angel Gabriel comes to Mary, she is perplexed and confused—and no doubt, afraid. And yet, the angel’s news is: “Do not be afraid.” Do not be afraid. We hear this refrain all throughout the Christmas story and remember it is the most common phrase in all the bible. What this helps us remember is God shows up in the midst of our fear and uncertainty and confusion. All Generations before us have felt that same fear, and yet have also found was to say, “yes” to God even in the midst of their fear. What are our fears in what God asks of us in our life and how can we, too, say “yes” to God?