Senior Pastor Search Committee Update

Over the last six weeks, the Shawnee Community Senior Pastor Search Committee has been receiving profiles from interested candidates and has been working on scheduling initial interviews with them.  As of this week, we will have met with four candidates. While all of the candidates whose profiles we’ve received seem to have potential to be excellent leaders of a congregation, we are looking for a candidate who can meet the specific needs that SCCC has at this time.  So far, two of them have received unanimous support from our committee as being top-notch choices.  While we are continuing to review prospective profiles as they come in, we are also moving to further discussions with the two top candidates we’ve interviewed so far.  We think that Shawnee Community would be very blessed to have either of these Pastors leading our congregation, and we are prayerfully considering the pros and cons of both, as well as giving them a chance to get to know us a little better.  Please continue to support us with your prayers, and continue to have hope in the future of Shawnee Community Christian Church.

Andy Petrowsky
Chair – Senior Pastor Search Committee