Tall Oaks Listening Sessions
Our Regional Board is discerning the future of our Tall Oaks Camp and Conference Center. Tall Oaks is our Kansas City Disciples region’s camp and conference facilities in Linwood, KS. For over 50 years, children, youth and adults have attended camps, conferences and retreats at Tall Oaks. Listening sessions are scheduled over the next month. Visit https://www.kcdisciples.org/todr to learn more. All are welcome and encouraged to attend one of the listening sessions. No decisions are being made at any of these sessions. Information shared will inform the Regional Board about our Region’s
sense of God’s preferred future for Tall Oaks.
Upcoming Listening Sessions
• Sunday, July 31 KS North: Merriam Christian Church
9401 Johnson Dr, Merriam, KS (913) 432-2390
• Sunday, August 7 KS South: Hillcrest Christian Church
11411 S Quivira Rd, Overland Park, KS (913) 663-2822
• Sunday, August 14 Metro Southeast: Lee’s Summit Christian Church
800 NE Tudor Rd, Lee’s Summit, MO (816) 524-3616