Tall Oaks News
Recently, the region held five listening sessions to discuss five proposed plans about the future of Tall Oaks. You can find more detailed information about those plans at www.kcdisciples.org/todr. At the end of each listening session, attendees ranked the proposed plans in order of preference. The majority of people in attendance voted for plan 3, the pilot. While the least amount of people voted for options 1 and 5, both of which involved selling the camp.
After these listening sessions, the Executive Committee for the Regional Board put forward a recommendation and motion to sell Tall Oaks through a video. That video can be viewed here www.youtube.com/watch?v=APYRJsgiaeQ.
Tall Oaks is owned by the region, meaning every member of Disciples of Christ of Greater KC is an owner of this campground. For over 50 years, children, youth and adults have attended camps, conferences and retreats at Tall Oaks.
There is a final vote on this motion by the entire regional board on September 26th at 6:30pm at Merriam Christian Church (9401 Johnson Drive, Merriam KS 66203). People are encouraged to attend, wear a Tall Oaks Camp shirt, write a letter to share their experience and love for Tall Oaks, and to show support for the camp we all love.
Other ways that you can help are:
• Pledging money to Tall Oaks for the deferred maintenance at https://forms.gle/9cW8XihYxuYdhEzK7
• Registering for camp in 2023 at www.kcdisciplescamps.org/registration. Camps will happen no matter the outcome of the vote (and early registration is a great way to show the board the importance of Tall Oaks). There is also going to be the first ever Adult Camp this summer for anyone who has completed their first year of college or older.
• Spreading the word that the future of Tall Oaks is uncertain with your fellow Disciples of Christ members and any past or current campers.
• Lastly, there are people committed to do the work (see the third option which received a majority of the votes during the listening sessions) necessary to make Tall Oaks Camp and Conference Center successful.