Trunk or Treat is Coming Soon!
Sunday, October 30th • 3-5:00 pm
We are excited to bring back our Trunk or Treat event for our community! Wear your costume and join us for this great FREE family event featuring trunk-or-treating, music, games and cotton candy! Don’t forget to invite your friends and neighbors.
Volunteers are needed to help make this event a success. This is always one of our largest events and many hands and trunks are needed! Please consider bringing a car or two and decorate it for trunk-or-treat. There will be a contest for the best trunks with prizes!
We will be advertising this event on social media so we do expect a large crowd. Please make sure to bring candy for our trunk-or-treaters. Sign-up sheets will also be available at the Connection Corner on Sunday. Thank you for helping us provide an awesome experience for our neighbors!