An Update from the Health & Safety Committee
The Health and Safety committee has reviewed COVID numbers in our area. A month ago the infection rate was more than 1,000 new cases/100,000 people in Johnson County. As of February 20th, the rate has dropped to 150 new cases/100,000 people and is expected to continue this trend. If cases start rising again, we will reevaluate.
Masks: Starting Sunday, February 27th, masks will be optional on Sunday and during other church activities or meetings.
Communion: We will continue to offer the individual prepackaged communion but we will also add the option of individual juice and bread in cups at the communion table.
Coffee bar: The coffee/tea/hot chocolate bar in the back of the worship space is open. We need volunteers to help set up before church or clean up after. Please contact Ashley Follett at if you would like to volunteer.
Thanks to all for their patience and acceptance of guidance for the safety of our community throughout this pandemic.
Health & Safety Committee