Where Love Grows Campaign

Where Love Grows….investing in our church’s future

An Over and Above Financial Campaign


While there are many signs of renewal in our church (worship attendance, number of kids in the children program, ongoing youth programs), we are not yet out of the Covid woods.  Like many, if not most, churches, SCCC is facing financial challenges.  We are running operating deficits each month, currently averaging about $5,000/month.

Thankfully, we have operational reserves from savings and our two PPP loans that allow us to meet our monthly expenses, but those reserves will only last about eleven months, assuming both income and expenses remain the same.

The Search Committee hopes to bring a recommendation for a new pastor soon.  But we don’t want our new pastor to have to deal with a financial crisis early in their ministry.  It is best for the new pastor and for the church if the new pastor is able to focus on ministry not money.

That is why in August the church will be embarking on an Over and Above Financial Campaign. Members will be asked to invest in the church’s future by giving over and above their usual commitment to the church’s budget.

The theme for the campaign is Where Love Grows…investing in our church’s future.  The goal is $125,000 given over a two-year period.  You will be asked to invest in the future of this church we all love by making a promise of financial support that is over and above your regular support for the church.

Look for more information in the days ahead.  And plan to attend a Town Hall Meeting following worship on August 8.  The Town Hall will be live streamed as well as for those attending in person.  This Town Hall will allow everyone to ask questions about the campaign.

The Campaign Team is Dave Roeder (Chair), Darrell and Sharon Cantrell, Mark Phillips, and Sandy Allen, Rick and René Jensen.