7.28.24 Message

Ephesians 3:14-21

The word ‘rooted’ means to be ‘established deeply and firmly.’ Many of our beliefs and opinions are rooted within us, our ways of being church are rooted in us, our society’s customs and beliefs are rooted strongly with us…and sometimes that is great. We have a deep well of beliefs to follow and depend upon. Other times it’s not so great as we cling to beliefs that are unhealthy or harmful for ourselves, our family and friends, our society at large just because they are familiar.

In our message for this week, we’re told that we are all ‘rooted and grounded in love.” A love of God that is so deep and extravagant it is almost incomprehensible to us. How do we learn to dig into God’s extravagant love for us and everyone else, and prune away the beliefs that are harmful and do not promote growth?