9.15.24 Message: Quest – The Encounter


Quest: The Encounter (John 4:7-40)

Jesus often crossed paths with others not from his “tribe.” He did not shy away from these moments, instead regularly seeking out these connections. He met people in their daily lives, like the Samaritan woman at the well and her community and engaged with them at the point of their deepest yearning.

When we seek out and open ourselves to new encounters, new people, new relationships, we allow ourselves a spiritual connection with humanity. When we do this, we discover more spiritual depth within us than we previously imagined.
How can we shift our perception, redefining “strangers” as “friends we have not yet met?”

9.8.24 Message: Quest – Leaving Home

Quest: Leaving Home (Exodus 13:17-21)

Leaving Egypt was not a pleasure excursion for the Hebrew people. But the story of their pilgrimage in the desert in Exodus reminds us that traveling, moving, leaving home, is part of our faith tradition.

Each of us finds ourselves sometime in life needing to leave the familiar in order to grow and to thrive. Beginning a journey involves leaving “home”–whether that is a physical place in order to explore another part of the world or changing a mindset that keeps us from expanding our spiritual capacity.

What must we do to embark into the unknown?

7.28.24 Message

Ephesians 3:14-21

The word ‘rooted’ means to be ‘established deeply and firmly.’ Many of our beliefs and opinions are rooted within us, our ways of being church are rooted in us, our society’s customs and beliefs are rooted strongly with us…and sometimes that is great. We have a deep well of beliefs to follow and depend upon. Other times it’s not so great as we cling to beliefs that are unhealthy or harmful for ourselves, our family and friends, our society at large just because they are familiar.

In our message for this week, we’re told that we are all ‘rooted and grounded in love.” A love of God that is so deep and extravagant it is almost incomprehensible to us. How do we learn to dig into God’s extravagant love for us and everyone else, and prune away the beliefs that are harmful and do not promote growth?

7.21.24 Message

Ephesians 2:11-22

How do you treat strangers and how do you treat close friends? There are significant
differences and legitimate reasons for why those groups are treated differently. Trust
and safety come immediately to mind.

But are our walls between stranger and friend too firmly in place? Afterall, our closest
friends were once strangers to us and we may miss out on significant relationships by
keeping today’s strangers at arm’s length. Even if we think we have nothing in common
with someone, at the very least we share in God’s love for all of us. This thin connection
that weave through all of our lives can be the key to bring us all peace.

What is it do you see when you see a stranger or a friend?

6.23.24 Message: Who Are We? Living Our Story

Shawnee Community has had many important stories over the years and through them all God has led our faith community. From a new church plant decades ago with growth and building a place for worship and play, to struggling through lean economic times, to reevaluating priorities, selling a building that no longer met our needs and then reinventing ourselves for a new place and time. Surviving a pandemic, which was no small feat, to our present thriving with growing children and youth ministries…God has and will lead us.

So, what do we need to do to continue to live out our story? How do we continue to be faithful to the mission God calls us?

Because we’re not done yet. We’ve got plenty of passion, life, and commitment for our present and our future. And we would love for you to be part of the journey with us…


6.16.24 Message: Who Are We? Theologically Curious

There’s as many ways to look at faith as there are breaths we take. Some folks believe that we shouldn’t question God, that to do so means our faith is weak. Yet, the biblical text is full of questions. Questions about life, about God, about the past, present, and future. Questions posed by sinners and saints and everyone in between. We could argue that the bible is basically one long question—” How is God present with God’s people?”

Asking questions IS part of a robust faith. Asking hard questions helps us refine our beliefs, give us space for times when our faith is low, and give us confidence that God is always here for whatever questions we have. Wisdom comes from our questions.

What questions do you have for God today?

6.9.24 Message: Who Are We? Welcoming and Affirming ALL People

Who Are We? Affirming and Welcoming of ALL People

Being a church can be challenging in this day and age…there are so many options of faith communities and ways to worship…many are uplifting and caring communities of faith, some are not. How can we tell the difference when looking for a faith community?

Shawnee Community is a place where all are welcomed, accepted, and affirmed for who they are. Even so, it can be a challenge to share that message in a way that’s heard by the folks who need it in a world with so many competing and louder messages.

Churches can and ought to be places of safety, refuge, love and spiritual growth…how can we continue to live into those spaces?

3.31.24 Easter Sunday Message

Easter is tricky when it comes to faith. We come for the happy ending–the “and then they lived happily ever after.” The resurrection story proclaims hope over despair and life over death, yet we know that life continued, and continues for us, as a story of spiking heartbreak moments that are not forever fixed.
The nature of being created for love is that we will always hunger for more, that there is never enough life and love to satisfy. And endings are often too soon. But perhaps a good enough faith is one that moves through the chronic nature of being incurably human with an eye for resurrection moments that assure us that this good enough life is worthy of our amazement.

2.11.24 Message: Who Do We Want Jesus to Be?

Who Do We Want Jesus to Be? (Mark 9:2-9)

So often we take the Jesus we read about, hear about, preach about, pray about and we try and fit him into neat little boxes we’ve created for him. Often we try and limit Jesus’ teachings to what we’re comfortable with and what’s acceptable to us.

Jesus’ teachings were compassionate and loving, but at the same time, they were radical, uncomfortable, and demanded that his followers grow and stretch to follow him…

Trying to fit Jesus into a theological or denominational box is one way of trying to control Jesus’ message. But what if Faith isn’t supposed to work that way? What if Jesus is asking us to let go of our illusion of control and instead have our faith stretched in new ways?

Join Us for Worship on Sunday Morning!

Sunday, December 24 • 10:00 a.m.

Join us for worship on Christmas Eve morning at 10:00 a.m., either in-person or streaming live on Facebook, as we continue our Advent sermon series, The Gift of Being Present. Also, we will enjoy music by the Shawnee Community Christmas Choir. It’s going to be a great morning for worship.


Sunday morning’s music set list is below. You can click on the links to view the YouTube videos, learn the songs and enjoy.

Hope for Everyone


O Come All Ye Faithful

God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman