Ramadan Dinner
Friday, April 14 • 7:00 p.m.
Join us on Friday, April 14 at 7:00 p.m. at Shawnee Community for a Ramadan Dinner with our friends from The Dialogue Institute. We will enjoy a meal and a short program. Childcare will be provided. This event is open to the community, please invite your friends, neighbors and family. Ramadan is the month of unity and compassion, and is a time to build bridges in our community.
The meal will be potluck style. If you would like to sign-up to bring a dish (salad, dessert, vegetarian dish, rice and or pasta) visit the link here. Please read the dietary restrictions carefully. The Sign-Up Genius was provided by The Dialogue Institute and is divided up by Ramadan Dinner location and potluck item. If you have questions about the sign-up, email Ashley at communications@shawneecommunity.org.