Limited In-Person Worship Begins Sunday, March 7th
On Sunday, March 7, we will begin in-person worship for a small group of worshippers each Sunday at 10:00 am.
Worshippers will sign-up to attend the Sunday service by Friday night. We ask that you please do not sign-up every week to allow others to participate. When you sign-up, please include the total number who will be attending. For example, if you are signing up and you have two children who will also be in attendance, please sign-up for three spots. At this time, there will be no nursery or children’s programming available. We will have children’s activity packets available.
Worshippers will need to arrive by 9:45 am so everyone will be settled and ready when the live streaming begins at 10:00 am. Strict social distancing and mask requirements will be followed.
For those not comfortable attending church in-person, we will continue to stream services online each Sunday.
Sign-Up for Worship: