Senior Pastor Search Committee Update
Greetings! As a representative of the SCCC Senior Pastor Search Committee, I wanted to pass along an update to the congregation about what we’ve been doing and where we are in the search process. The seven of us have been meeting for about two months to start determining the strengths, weaknesses, and needs of our community as we consider a new Pastor. To this end, we have been focusing on two primary tasks. Firstly, we are meeting with leaders within our church and learning from their perspective as to what their teams see as priorities. Secondly, we are compiling a survey that will be sent out to our members soon to ask you what you’re looking for out of Shawnee Community. This survey will ask you to let us know what your priorities are in our mission, outreach and message, and help us make a choice that will most closely align with what makes this such a great community to be a part of. It will also ask questions that will be used to compile demographic information that is being requested by Disciples of Christ Leadership to help match us with prospective pastors around the country. We ask that you keep an eye out for this survey and return it as soon as you reasonably can.
In this year of uncertainty and change, we are striving to provide stability for the church as best we can. We are eager to move along in this process, and we understand that many of you would feel comforted if we could tell you exactly when we’ll be hiring a new Senior Pastor. Unfortunately, the Pandemic has taken a financial toll on our Congregation, as many of you know. The uncertainty around the budget makes it exceedingly difficult to move much further in the process. Therefore, we are asking for everyone who is called to do so, and is able to do so, to please plan and pledge your giving. With pledging to giving, we can more accurately predict our budget, and put us in a position to extend an offer when we find the perfect candidate. We know that we have a lot of members who do give regularly, but don’t make a formal pledge. Formalizing that giving will help us a great deal in this crazy time.
Go to to fill out an online pledge form, or to set up a recurring gift.
Thank you,
Andy Petrowsky, Chairperson
Senior Pastor Search Committee