3.6.22 Message: Short Stories by Jesus – Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost Son.

Short Stories by Jesus: Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost Son.

2.27.22 Message: The Art of Hearing – Hearing is Believing

The Art of Hearing: Hearing is Believing.

There are times in our lives when our faith grows because of something specific and meaningful we experience. We often think those experiences have to be exceptional and dazzling, but really anything has the potential to help us experience God in ways that have a profound impact on us. Whether we have an experience that is once in a lifetime or in the midst of everydayness, it does and should change us. Following Jesus is asking for change in our lives, in our hearts and in our minds.

How has following Jesus changed your life? How would you like it to change your life?

2.20.22 Message: The Art of Hearing – Hearing One Another


The Art of Hearing: Hearing One Another

Each of us has a voice. Not just a literal, physical voice, but a voice that shares who we are and how we got here—a voice that shares our story. Embedded in each one of our stories are situations where we can choose love or hate, to accept or deny another’s humanity and child-of-God-ness. How we use our voice reflects the love we see for ourselves and others through God’s eyes. Sometimes it can be incredibly difficult to hear and see that love, especially when it is one we consider an “enemy.” And yet, Jesus teaches us to love our enemies as well as our friends.

How do you hear God’s voice calling you to love and how is that reflected in your voice today?

2.13.22 Message: The Art of Hearing – Hearing and Healing

The Art of Hearing: Hearing and Healing
(Luke 6:17-26)

God’s voice forms us and shapes us from our earliest days; it provides for us what we need to not just stay alive, but live. Jesus was surrounded by people seeking healing from their brokenness constantly, and in this teaching, he shows us how we can find healing through him for our brokenness. Everyone wants to ‘hear and be healed,’ both then and now. Just like us, people in Jesus’ time were seeking God’s voice so they could find the peace, love, affirmation, and restoration they so desperately needed.

What are the broken or hurt parts of you that need healing? What do you need to hear from God to know that you are loved and valued, worthy and well in God’s presence?

2.6.22 Message: The Art of Hearing – Hearing is Believing

“The Art of Hearing: Hearing Is Believing”
Luke 5:1-11

We don’t know what Jesus taught his followers on this particular day, but whatever it was it seemed to
be exactly what his disciples needed to hear. After a night of fishing and coming back empty handed,
they heard Jesus’ words and it gave them the encouragement they needed to try again. As tired as they
probably were, they were able to open themselves to Jesus’ guidance exactly when they needed it most.
Their willingness to hear what Jesus taught them was life changing for all of them.

Sometimes, it is in the middle of feeling like we have failed that we are able to open ourselves up to
hearing from God exactly what we need at the moment we need it most. When have you been
discouraged or felt like you’ve failed? How has hearing God’s voice in your life offered you the
encouragement you’ve needed to get through a difficult time?

1.30.22 Message: The Art of Hearing – Hard of Hearing

The Art of Hearing: Hard of Hearing (Luke 4:21-30)

With so many ways to hear information in our modern society sometimes the sheer volume of it can be
overwhelming. How do we navigate through both helpful and destructive voices in our lives? What do
we do with those voices that we find frustrating and disagree with, and those that convict us to live

Jesus shared with folks that the “scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing” and for those who were
listening to him on that particular day didn’t hear it well. What they assumed they would hear from
Jesus and what they actually heard from him were different. We are all sometimes hard of hearing when
it comes to what God is trying to teach us…what are the boundaries you put up around your identity,
community, and yourself that keeps you from hearing God’s voice in your life well?

1.2.21 Message: Living With Joy – Led By Joy


How do we live with purpose and joy in our everyday lives and how is this different than happiness? Our next sermon series, “Living with Joy” helps us explore what it means to live a joyful and meaningful life through Jesus’ early life and ministry. What is real joy and how is it already present in your life? How does God’s continued presence inspire you in your daily living?

On Sunday, January 2nd we explored Living with Joy: Led by Joy. God led the three wise men to the Christ child, using an ordinary object: a star. Our path in life may not seem extraordinary, but instead may seem rather ordinary. And yet, God helps us find joy in our life everyday through the ordinary objects and actions around us. What is your deepest Joy? Have you ever wondered how God helps you in discovering that joy and what it means for who you are?